The company founder Rob Porcella has been a passionate business owner over the last 18 years. He discovered the power of the CBD element through personal experience and was led into the development of a simple, safe and effective CBD product through his working relationship with one of the worlds largest hemp CBD product manufacturers back in 2016. Rob has committed the last 7 years of his life to this revolutionary new industry. Rob is actively involved in the operations of Royal Element as well as consulting on hemp growing and processing operations in Kentucky and California.
The co-founder Jill Maaske received her degree in business management in 2011. Jill has been extremely passionate about business development and became very involved in the industry in 2017-2018 as a sales representative for another CBD company. She really enjoyed the feedback she got from so many satisfied customers that had their lives positively impacted by using CBD.
Together they decided to form Royal Element CBD to provide people with a safe and natural product. Rob and Jill take their product daily and have personally experienced the amazing health benefits that CBD has to offer.